How Much More Evidence Do We Need?
As the Madoff scandal unfolds, what is becoming evident is that the largest fraud ever perpetrated in the US financial markets was never detected by the government regulatory agency charged with preventing this kind of thing: the Securities and Exchange Commission. Why? Because it has been so weakened by the presidential appointment of top officials who do not believe in the need to regulate and by Congressional laws that have greatly weakened the regulatory framework. The SEC had abundant warnings: "Madoff Securities is the world's largest Ponzi Scheme," Mr. Markopolos, wrote in a letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 1999." (from WSJ, Dec 13, 2008. Mr. Markopolos worked at a Wall Street firm that competed with Madoff.) Transparency in the financial sector has always been resisted by disreputable firms and pro-business administrations, who prefer to keep their dealings secret. To achieve transparency requires effective and intelligent regulation....