[This is a comment I made at bobedwardsradio.com on 12 Aug 2012, the website for the excellent radio show by Bob Edwards, well known for his decades of broadcasting at NPR.]

Dear Mr Edwards,

I listened with rapt attention to your show this weekend, "The Betrayal of the American Dream." I teach environmental economics at a local community college (part-time), and am keenly aware of the issues the excellent authors were so eloquently discussing, and fully intend to read their book to help me in my own local activism to help raise awareness of the public about these and other issues.

Your well respected show is one of the few sources in mainstream media for such sensible discussions. Consequently, I hope you might consider interviewing two other excellent authors, whose ideas also concern these deep societal problems: David Korten (see davidkorten.org), and Riane Eisler (see www.rianeeisler.com). If you are not already aware of their excellent work, I believe you, and your radio audience, will find what they will have say about these complex problems fascinating, illuminating and inspirational. Meaningful public discussion of these issues is urgently needed to create the political will to achieve real and lasting positive change.

Thank you again for bringing such a quality show to the public airwaves. I listen to you through KUNC in Greeley, Colorado.

With great respect, Rick Casey Lafayette, CO


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