Dear National Cable & Telecommunications Association: Your stance on net neutrality is incorrect...

In reference to this online article,  "Montana Becomes First State To Set Its Own Net Neutrality Rules" it states that "An unidentified spokeswoman for the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and USTelecom, which represents the broadband industry, complained about the executive order..."

My response in reaction to your response is: GET A CLUE!

Destroying the principle of net neutrality is blatantly wrong, and the informed American public is well aware that this is nothing more than a power grab by a corrupt administration to privatize the Internet, which, in reality, is a public commons.

The Internet was conceived, built and fostered through the use of public funds and academic institutions who freely shared the knowledge and skills to create it. (see Where Wizards Stay Up Late, Simon & Schuster, 1999) It is the greatest commons ever created by humanity. 

This attempt by a captured federal regulatory body, the FCC, to privatize this public commons will be stopped, in time, by the US public as they come to realize the wrong that has been done to them. 

The National Cable & Telecommunications Association would do well to get on the right side of history and call out the FCC for this misguided policy decision -- unless you, too, wish to have the pitchforks of public opinion pointed in your direction as well. 

-- Rick Casey
MS, Telecommunications, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2002


Rick Casey said…
If you want to communicate to the NCTA yourself, their email is

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